Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Little Baby

(gal, you sleep on my bed again ya?)

(cutie, say Hi to everybody~ )

Hi, everybody! Look at my 2month's baby... she's cute as me right? big eyes, chubby face, small body with healthy skin... all is mini size, even the foot, the hand, the fingers, the face, the ears... everything look so cute.... really hard to imagine that I had been in this size before even though my body size now still not huge enough with my aged....

God.. I really hope can having a baby now. My baby! Can u imagine how the feel with caring your baby was? But that’s cannot be done by myself. Who want to be the volunteer? Anyone would like to register? But he must be macho, smart, rich, capability, humor, and special...and of course responsible and love me as well…who is matching all the point above?? hehehehe...

That small body always occupies my queen size bed when she feels sleepy at noon. Actually the bed is big enough for 2 adult but she just sleep at the middle of the bed as a queen and turned around on my bed. That’s what I saw when I back from my school and felt tired.... =.=ll must charge her dad and mom for the bed rental....

Anyway, I love that baby. Baby is clean, innocent, and nothing to worry about. Just cry when they are hungry, thirsty, or uncomfortable. And just sleep when they are feel tired. How simple is. They are not complicated as human in society, no trap, no sly, no betray, just as an angel. When look at them, everything is nice. The world becomes simple. Suddenly, I had jealous the baby.


Yeoh Wei Pin said...

U sure can find ur MR RIGHT over there... All The Best~! Rmb take care urself too ^^

SyLVene said...

wau.. yeoh..i really surprised to saw ur comment here..

erm..thx anyway. i wil take care myself and i always did. MR.RIGHT? not dare to think about that.