Shit! I suppose went to Sungai Wang on Thursday to choose a birthday gift to Mei Mun for her 21yrs old birthday but can you see what I ended up with? Nice Haul for myself... I have addicting on dress currently. I bought 3 dresses with a stocking for the day. Luckily those items in Sungai Wang were not really expensive! Otherwise...I will be broke! I seldom shopping at Sungai Wang due to their some design & quality are very bad and worldliness. But you can still figure out some nice stuff sometimes… if you really go to find it with your patient and close up your eyes to avoid those "lala" or "seafood" fashion.

This dress only cost me amount of RM39 and the stoking it was RM12.60.

Same design with 2 different colour. White color is easy to penetrate under the sun or water. It's more suitable to use as a clothes with a jeans or stocking at the bottom...otherwise, Grey colour is nice to wear as a short dress to show your nice leg ^^ it cost RM24 for each.

Lastly, I had prepared a present for my on-site supervisor. Fri was my last day as a trainee in G2. I learnt a lot from her. Need to guide such a noob as me was not an easy job. I really appreciate everything that she did. I think I will miss her…..
the dress which cost RM39 is really nice!!!
First of all, don't feel shock when i read your blog. Good job done on your blogs, it's a good way to share with friends of your thinking and feeling. Well, sorry that i didn't have a proper words with you on your last day in G2, wanted to, but too busy as you know. Thank you on the wonderful job done and help to the team and me. i'm happy to see progressive improvement from you after the last talking we had. Don't worry too much if i ever tell you your performance is not good or poor, as you have shown me your improvement, and that is good. it shows that you can be like anyone in the team as long as you are willing to learn n do. I do feel bad if i ever make u feel like cheap labor [i don't know if ever do so, if i did, sorry dear]. I dont know if you like the gift i bought, i hope you do. Just a little gift for you, and that's is so much we can give or teach u. never forget all the hard times you been through in G2, it will help u in your future career, trust me! I'm considered late to experienced all this and still learning at my age and stage, guess what? something really crazy happened, and it hits me really bad, and i have to think and overcome this again. Hope you dont think anyone of us are being too nagging, keep telling you what we think it's right, including me. But i hope what we told you make sense and you can make use of it sometime at any point of your life - work, love, family, friends. Saw your another message, i think it's with relationship problem? Don't worry dear, you are young and make your own choice. Be happy and do whatever you think it's right and will cheer u up, any guys that will possibly hurt u, kick them off! okie?
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