Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My New Guests

Welcome to my new guests-Twilight and Keeping Faith which will be places into my bookcase. Last time had an article in newspapers recommended these two books to the public and I really felt great could found them today in Kinokuniya bookshop with 25% discount for the Twilight. What special with these books? 1st, I had been attracted by their storyline, 2nd, is the headline and cover designed. A hand holding a red apple, another is a child wearing a red shoes and red skirt. The adopted of red color on a black color cover had made the feeling of eerie, supernatural and mysterious what attracting me to keep reading it with a lot of questions mark in my mind. Who? Where? When? Why? And how? Hope can get the ending soon^^

Friday, August 22, 2008

Deal or not Deal?

Darling, congratulations for your degree’s convocation. You were really look great and the picture was look nice too. I love the sky which in the blue and clean. Of course the air in Aus will be much better than here which had been polluted. Anyway, please take a good care for yourself, I knew that u always have work on your business and part time also as a slave but healthy couldn’t be exchange with that. I will always concern you at here and blessing for you on everything, your life, your business, your jobs, and your master course now and so forth. Well, It's must have some requirements to get my blessing and care for sure, nothing is free! So I want you remember me and thinking of me always in deep of your soul, and put me in your future plan as well. I think that should not be a problem for you to do so. Deal or not deal ?Hahaha!! If you are rejected, you will lose my care and blessing. So be a smart person to make a smart choice ya! I knew you are the one always smart with it!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Creativity strategy?

We had just completed our 2nd last assignment which needs to design a storyboard and print ads to promote our products-Starbucks during the campaign. All the images are using in our ads and storyboard should be original and the BIG IDEAS should be creative enough. Well, we are advertising students, for sure our lecture has higher expectation on us compared with others courses. Are we Pressure? Not really when compare with other subjects. Are we creative? Not really when compare with such professional. We just made a fun. Even though a bit tired but we have some fun for our storyboard and print ads shooting. Lecture never put any restriction for our project which provided us a widely space to developed our ideas.

Let’s see our stupid and funny print ads and some storyboard images~!

Scene 1:
I'm suppossed need to start act as a HARDWORKING student and focus with my work, but can I have a drink 1st? god, the drink look nice~ wat? cannot? cause is one of equitement for project!! haiz

cut! started.Look so pro right? wakaka..

what i looking for? actually the laptop was empty without any visual =.=! can u guys pls faster a bit to shooting... my face a bit "stone" alrd wif the smiling..

god!! who are you?? a stupid thief planed to steal my drink?

stupid.dare to steal my drink!! of course failure.

I was talked to my friend..
(actually got ntg inside the white cup, pity gall..k..just let u drink some of mine.)

what's the stupid guy want to do behind there?

damnit! try to fishing the drink this time!!!pull it back. failed again of course~

but he nv give up. try to attacked again with a plastic beg.

result, failed!!

Thanks to our Mr.Kong, so sacrified for our project with those ugly poses. you never know how many ppl look at us and feel weird with our act.wahahaha

finally, he got one with own paid and gv up to attack again.

But, now is our turn to attack you!!!

Hope you enjoy the short story here~ cheer^^

Thursday, August 7, 2008


农历七月,超级倒霉。见鬼了吗?当然不是。最近,几乎都开夜车到天亮,没时间去发挥我的超级想象力,然后吓自己。昨晚还是老样子,又开夜车到今早的六点多,睡了三两个小时,就上学去了。至到六点左右才冒着雨回家去。有点“大头”的我又忘了带雨伞,幸好有我那亲爱且好人的Jin 送我到地铁站。开夜车事小,淋点小雨也事小,但,我的手机竟掉进马桶里去了!!!!不是坐着的那种马桶,而是蹲着的。 结果,完全看不清楚手机的踪影,也没办法去捡,因为地铁站内的厕所实在是太恶心和不卫生了。天杀的!我竟然忘了自己的手机就放在裙子的口袋内。累得昏沉沉的。第一次,丢了自己的手机!我的W750i. 上次掉墨镜,这次手机,下次?别了吧~

ps: It's lucky that I had finished all my credit inside and the phone had been used for almost 2 yrs. Actually I had planned to change my mobile when I graduate on next year Nov as a present to myself for the graduation. but now, bring forward....anyway, used some positive thinking to be faced it, mayb it's the time to hv a change for a new model. any suggestion guys??? I need something good for MP3 features which included Camera as well.. Nokia or Sony erricsson? Ur suggestion and opinion will be considering^^ Last but not least, budgeting!! thx

Friday, August 1, 2008

Isetan KLCC - member card sales

人家说,好事要与大家分享。那我也来分享下我最近的新发现好了。这阵子,我正在试用Clarins系列的护肤品。因为我是油性肌肤,加上肤质特别敏感的关系,总是找不到适合的护肤品。所以,朋友就送了我一套试用装,看看对我是否有所帮助。我尝试用了两个月,结果,豆豆确实减少了,毛孔也缩小了,皮肤改善了,让我不得不相信,果然是一分钱一分货! 所以,我今天就跑了一趟KLCC找找我那在Clarins counter做Supervisor的朋友,打算问下产品的实价!怎知,在我前往的途中,发现了这三天竟然是Isetan的member card day! 怪不得大家都是大包小包的。看来,是上天的安排。那我也来几包好了!哈哈哈。。别辜负了老天爷的一番好心。



(Skin Food- Aloe BB Cream, RM 54.90)
ET女子介绍过这牌子的BB CREAM, 那我就用用看咯!

(Padini, RM23.60 after 60% discount.)

(SEED, RM34.50 after 50% discount)

(SEED, RM24.50 after 50% discount.)

学生还是买T-Shirt 比较实际哦!嘻嘻!